The attached information document has been prepared by M Vest Water AS (the "Company") solely for use in connection with the admission to trading of all its shares on Euronext Growth Oslo commencing on or about Friday, 28 May 2021. Fearnley Securities has acted as the Company's Euronext Growth advisor, and Advokatfirmaet Thommessen has acted as legal advisor to the Company in connection with the admission to trading.
For further information, please contact:
Stein Giljarhus, CEO, stein.giljarhus@mvestwater.com, +47 90 54 08 32
Morten Hilton Thomassen, CFO, mht@mvestwater.com, +47 92 25 85 70
About M Vest Water AS: M Vest Water is an environmental technology company who has developed unique products and solutions to the water treatment industry, both Industrial as well as the Municipal markets. Its products are non-toxic, biodegradable and can be left in nature without any harm to the environment. It obtains the highest degree of purification in a cost-efficient arrangement. Established in 2014 and with its shares admitted to trading on Euronext Growth Oslo in end of May 2021. For more information, visit www.mvestwater.com.
This information is published pursuant to the requirements set out in the Continuing obligations.